It is never too late to start on the path to health and wellbeing, nor is it ever too early.
6804 W. Cheyenne Avenue l Las Vegas NV 89108 l 702.656.0016 l

Every person on Earth has one thing in common- we are all getting older. The way in which we age however, varies greatly from person to person. Dr. Alex strongly believes that it is never too late to start working toward better health regardless of age or physical limitation.
Naturopathic treatments can help improve:
Energy and stamina
Sleep quality
Nutrient absorption
Immune function
Memory and cognition
Balance and mobility
Lab testing is available to assess cardiovascular risk factors, digestive health, immune status and nutrient levels.
Dr. Alex is an advocate for her patients. She will work collaboratively with your other health care providers to ensure that you get the best care that the medical community can offer.
Dr. Alex spends the time that it takes to get to know her patients and their health goals. She is a good listener and provides thorough explanation of the treatment plan and expected outcomes. To further clarify the naturopathic recommendations she makes and the rationale behind them. Patients leave her office with a typed, easy to read copy of their treatment plan in hand.

Alexandra Reimann,ND Naturopathic Physician